Gardaí Bust Loony Loner Drinking Wine While Actually Driving!


No matter the warnings and the constant advise, as if it was needed, against drink-driving there’s always the selfish indulgnets. Then though, there’s the downright ignorant and wantonly stupid.

The Roads Policing unit in Naas stopped a driver who was “literally drinking and driving”, with an open bottle of wine in the car.

A photo shared by the Gardaí on Twitter shows that the occupant of the car had a bottle of wine, being kept inside a coffee cup, which was being kept in the cupholder.

Gardaí confirmed that the driver was arrested and charged and will appear in court “soon”. Gardaí also revealed after ongoing checkpoints on the Naas Road also found one driver to be going 153km in a 60km zone.

As part of continuous checkpoints being carried out by Naas Roads Policing Unit the following offences were detected. One driver arrested and charged to court for dangerous driving hitting no less than 153km in a 60km zone!

Also in Co. Kildare and in Leixlip, gardai carried out Operation Surround which includes high visibility checkpoints.

A total of 21 checkpoints were conducted with five arrests – two for drunk driving and three for drug driving.

Five vehicles were seized for no insurance/tax/NCT and a further 29 offences were detected with 19 FCPNs issued.

In Dublin, one driver was royally exposed on Saturday night after being stopped by traffic cops at an MIT checkpoint.

A Mandatory Intoxication Checkpoint is where motorists are tested for both alcohol and drug levels by Gardai.

The dopey driver tested positive for both cannabis AND cocaine, and to compound that he didn’t have insurance.