Court Challenge Against Bojo’s Prorogue Fails


The first legal challenge against Boris Johnson’s suspension of the British Parliament has failed.

It comes as the Prime Minister says talks with the EU will be stepped up to try to secure a new Brexit deal.

A temporary order to halt to Boris Johnson’s plan to shut down the UK Parliament was refused in Edinburgh earlier.

Judge Raymond Doherty dismissed the action. The Scottish case is one of three, with the one in Northern Ireland being brought by Raymond McCord.

The English one has been launched by Gina Miller, and this morning recieved the support of former Prime Minister John Major.

Despite major backlash, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has defended Mr. Johnson’s decision to suspend parliament:

Tánaiste Simon Coveney held a 45 minute meeting with Mr. Raab in Helsinki this morning. He reiterated the EU and Ireland’s consistent position:

It’s been 1162 days since the Brexit referendum, with the Tanaiste saying a hard Brexit is more likely than it has ever been.

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