Dublin 18 Commuters Calling For More Buses


Dublin 18 bus commuters are calling for more buses and more bus shelters for their area.

Residents living along the 47 and 114 bus routes say there’s been a massive population explosion in recent years, and Dublin Bus isn’t keeping up with the demand.

Locals claim the services are irregular and often buses just don’t turn up, while they’re standing at stops with no protection from the elements.

Meanwhile, the latest Bus Connects proposal could see major changes along the Rathfarnham corridor in Dublin.

Residents have been told trees and gardens along some stretches may be saved – but it will make it more difficult for motorists to get in and out of town.

Revised plans could see the rathgar road turned into a one way system for cars with bus lanes on either side meaning trees and gardens could be saved. Locals have given it a mixed reaction.

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