CSO Figures Reveal Depth Of Pandemic’s Impact On Employment


Over half a million people are now claiming some form of unemployment benefit amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Central Statistics Office figures for March show over 182,000 people on the Live Register, claiming the usual jobseekers’ benefit.

Not included in that are the more than 283,000 availing of the government’s pandemic unemployment payment of €350 a week.

There are also 25,000 people covered by the temporary scheme to subsidise people’s wages.

It means over 513,000 people across the country are now claiming some form of unemployment benefit – that’s almost a fifth of the entire workforce.

Of those claiming the special pandemic payment, almost a quarter are under 25. The CSO is planning to provide a further breakdown of which workers have been most affected.

Table A2 Number of persons on the Live Register and number in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment1, and the Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme1, March 2020
Category Live Register Pandemic Unemployment Payment Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme Live Register and COVID-19 Related Payments Total
  Under 25 years of age 13,074 28,400 2,932 44,406
  25 years of age and over 100,194 107,531 9,540 217,265
Total 113,268 135,931 12,472 261,671
  Under 25 years of age 10,323 36,657 6,281 53,261
  25 years of age and over 81,618 110,449 6,351 198,418
Total 91,941 147,106 12,632 251,679
All Persons
  Under 25 years of age 23,397 65,057 9,213 97,667
  25 years of age and over 181,812 217,980 15,891 415,683
Total 205,209 283,037 25,104 513,350
Source: Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and Revenue Commissioners
1 Not included in the Live Register
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