Baby Born With Antibodies After Mother Contracts COVID While Pregnant

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According to various reports, a baby has been born with antibodies against the virus, COVID-19. The mother contracted the virus while she was still pregnant.

Singaporean Celine Ng-Chan caught the virus in March and the baby was born on November 7th, COVID-free, the Straits Times reported.

Celine told the newspaper: “My doctor suspects I have transferred my COVID-19 antibodies to him [ her baby ] during my pregnancy.”

Celine said she had been told by the paediatrician that she no longer has antibodies. However, antibodies in her baby, Aldrin still remained.

Mrs Ng-Chan, 31, was described by the newspaper as having been only mildly ill but she spent two-and-a-half weeks in hospital with the virus.

Celine, her mother, and her daughter contracted COVID-19 after returning from a family holiday to Europe in March. Although, her husband and father, who were also on the trip, did not get ill.

“My pregnancy and birth were smooth sailing,” said Celine.[This is] despite being diagnosed with COVID-19 in my first trimester, which is the most unstable stage of the pregnancy. “I’m very blessed to have Aldrin and he came out very healthy. I feel relieved my COVID-19 journey is finally over now.”

COVID affects on a new-born baby are still unclear

It is still unclear as to how unusual it is for pregnant women with COVID-19 to pass the virus on to their baby during pregnancy or delivery. The WHO has said an active virus has not been found in any samples of fluid around the baby in the womb or in breast milk.

A Singapore’s National University Hospital spokesperson spoke to the Straits Times. Although not specifying numbers, they said all other mothers and their baby have tested negative, so far.

Doctors in China had reported the detection and decline over time of COVID-19 antibodies in babies born to women with the virus. This is according to an October article in the journal; Emerging Infectious Diseases.

In other COVID news, Ireland has signed up for advance purchases of 10 million doses of the many Covid-19 vaccines that are to be distributed.

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