Free Peeing Litter Louts Force City Council To Close Off Portobello Plaza

Portobello Plaza - May 2021

Portobello Plaza will be closed to the public this weekend, amid a hostile reception to the news on social media, after confirmation of the move by Dublin City Council.

DCC say its unavoidable due to a variety of anti-social behaviour in recent weeks, which it has deemed as “completely unacceptable”.

The popular canal-side spot on the south-side has drawn crowds of up to 1,000 people over recent weekends despite COVID restrictions, but augmented by the pleasant weather conditions generally.

In a statement, the council said: “The associated anti-social behaviour is having a hugely detrimental effect on both the local community and the environment.”

It will be closed to the public from this afternoon until Monday morning, with the situation to be reviewed on May 17th.

Speaking in response to the Dublin City Council announcement, Labour Senator Ivana Bacik have called for a more sustainable long-term plan for the Harbour to be adopted by the Council.

As a local resident myself, I am very aware of the distress caused to our community in Portobello by the incidence of anti-social behaviour, large congregations of people and public urination along the canal and in the plaza area in recent weeks. However, while it is welcome that the concerns of local residents about this unacceptable behaviour are now being taken seriously by the Council, closing off a public amenity in this way is not a sustainable strategy for addressing this serious issue. What we need is a long-term plan for the area which will ensure safe access by the public to civic spaces like the harbour. This must include adequate provision of dustbins, public toilets and seating areas, along with close monitoring of the space and effective policing of the area.”

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