Dogs Trust has launched it ‘The Big Scoop’ dog fouling awareness campaign with help from PJ Gallagher.
The launch follows a survey that shows 9 in 10 people claim dog fouling is an issue in their area with 87% saying it has become worse over the past year.
68% of people also stated they often witness dog walkers leaving their dogs’ poo behind while 85% reported seeing discarded full poo bags.
Dogs Trust has launched ‘The Big Scoop’, their annual dog fouling awareness campaign, to encourage more people to pick up after their dog. The charity is eager to highlight that dog fouling is a human problem and wants to see dog owners take responsibility by picking up after their dogs and reducing the amount of dog mess being left in public spaces.
Photograph: ©Fran Veale
“As a huge dog lover, it really upsets me to see people not cleaning up after their dogs. Let’s be honest, it’s not the most glamourous part of owning a dog but it takes seconds and real dog lovers understand how important it is. It’s simple really! If you love your dog, you will bag and bin their poo.” Comedian and Radio Nova Morning Glory Presenter PJ Gallagher said.
Although public spaces across the country have designated dog poo bins, the charity wants to stress that any litter bin will do. There’s no need to worry if you can’t see a designated dog poo bin in sight, you can put your bag in the nearest litter bin you see.
As part of this year’s campaign, the charity’s Education and Community team have created online toolkits so every school and community group can take part. Dogs Trust hopes by teaching children about responsible dog ownership that it will encourage them to remind the adults they are walking with to pick up after their dog.
The charity has also created a short video of quotes from the survey respondents about inopportune times they encountered dog fouling.
Dogs Trust surveyed 3,859 people via Survey Hero in April 2021 about their experiences of encountering dog fouling.
Photograph: ©Fran Veale
Dogs Trust has been working in Ireland since 2005 and its mission is to bring an end to the destruction of stray and abandoned dogs through a national responsible dog ownership campaign, including a nationwide education programme. Dogs Trust is working towards the day when all dogs can enjoy a happy life, free from the threat of unnecessary destruction. Dogs Trust has a non-destruction policy; and never destroy a healthy dog.