Dublin Bus Passenger Punched Following Row Over Face Masks


A 19 year old man has been charged after a Dublin Bus passenger suffered repeated punches to his body and head during a row regarding face masks.

The court heard how Patrick Stokes of Little Britain Street, Dublin 7 was charged with assault, causing harm to a passenger on October 10.

Dublin District Court also heard that the victim was a passenger on the number 15 bus. Mr Stokes and another male got onto the bus at the Malahide Road, before a dispute over wearing face masks began.

“A number of times to the body”

The court were told by Seargent Niall Murphy that the victim had received punches to the face and a “number of times to the body”. 

Judge Teresa Kelly accepted jurisdiction for the case to continue at Dublin District Court.

An order for prosceuting evidence like statements and CCTV footage was also made.

The case has subsequently been adjourned until a date in July, in order for a plea to be indicated.

Back in May, Buncrana Circuit Civil Court had told a music lover to use headphones to listen to his tunes in the future.

A case was brought against Donegal native John Gallagher by his brother who complained that he was playing his music too loud. More on that here.

Dublin Bus

Back in January, a Dublin Bus driver was forced to take matters into his own hands when he forced a passenger to get off his bus who had been aiming racial slurs at a child.

This moment of bravery received praise from the child’s mother. “It didn’t last long in reality but it felt like it went on forever. They got on at O’Connell Street but the driver had kicked them off by the time we got to O’Connell bridge”, she said.

More on that story here.

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