School Principal And Iron Maiden Fan Faces Transfer For Depicting Satanic Symbols


A high school principal faces threats of a transfer to a new school for her love of heavy metal legends, Iron Maiden. A petition has been launched against Sharon Burns, principal of Eden High School, Canada, for publicly depicting “Satanic symbols and her allegiance to Satanic practices”.

In sharing posts on the Children of the Damned hitmakers, Burns is facing heavy criticism from some parents, who have begun a petition on The petition, titled: Eden High School Principal, Sharon Burns, Needs to Be Transferred Immediately! declares a desire to see Ms Burns replaced with someone who “aligns with the values of the families at Eden”.

As concerned parents with impressionable children at Eden High School in St. Catharine’s, Ontario, we are deeply disturbed that the principal assigned to the school blatantly showed Satanic symbols and her allegiance to Satanic practices on her public social media platforms where all the students can see them,” the petition’s description reads.

Our school is based on inclusion, and openly displaying Satanic symbols (on a public social media platform) that directly goes against the principles of the vast majority of families who represent the school, is not inclusive.”

As a result, some parents have come together to argue that Burns should be transferred to another school. The petition also includes photos Ms Burns has shared onto her professional profile, saluting devil horns at the back of a car full of Iron Maiden décor. Giving note to the band’s mascot, Eddie ‘the Head’ – and classic track, The Number of the Beast, another photo shared by Burns depicts the lovable Eddie doll with a note that has “666” written inside of a heart.

Please Note: This petition is not about Sharon Burns’ love for Iron Maiden. At no point has it ever been. This petition is about a principal of a school openly displaying her own handmade sign with the 666 clearly displayed on it which she knows full well what that Satanic symbol means to the vast majority of families in her school, and she put it on a professional, public account on social media, not a private one, which she very easily could have done.”

If she had not posted a picture of her own handmade 666 sign, this petition would not exist. Nobody cares what band she likes, and this is not about her choice in what she listens to. That would be petty and nonsensical.”

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