Over 1200 Detected Speeding Over Bank Holiday Weekend: Three Men Killed On Irish Roads


Gardaí have detected over 1200 drivers speeding, according to provisional figures, in a road policing operation over the bank holiday weekend.

Three men have lost their lives on Irish roads from Friday, one of whom was a pedestrian. The fatal road accidents occurred in Cork, Dublin and Sligo.

Gardaí have also said that 158 people have been arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated since they began their operation on Thursday morning.

“These are drivers who knowingly consumed an intoxicant, alcohol or dangerous controlled drugs in a recreational environment and then made the conscious decision to drive a vehicle putting themselves and other road users at serious risk,” a garda spokesperson said.

“This is unacceptable behaviour and should be called out by every responsible and law-abiding person.”

Gardaí responded to four incidents on motorways yesterday in which drivers tested positive for drugs and alcohol, in which 18 people, including children, were involved.

A man in his 20s was arrested and charged with dangerous driving yesterday after 10am in Cork when he was detected driving in excess of 170km/h on the M8. The L-driver had no insurance and tested positive on the roadside for the presence of drugs, gardaí said.

“Day Light saving time changed on Saturday night, resulting now in earlier darker evenings. Weather conditions are also changing, wetter and colder.

“Speeding and driving while intoxicated are the most dangerous driver behaviours on our roads.”

Gardaí are appealing to all road users to slow down when driving and not to just drive to the posted speed limit but also to the road, weather and traffic conditions.

“If you feel tried, stop and take a short break. It is important that every road user returns home safe to their families everyday.”

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