Accoring to the UK Daily Mail, an Australian radio personality has leaked the news of the legendary band's return.
The paper claims the band is about to announce a world tour that features the eagerly anticipated return of frontman Brian Johnson.
Triple M's Eddie McGuire claimed, "The greatest rock band in the history of Australian music will be reforming and playing in Australia in October/November this year!'
According to Sleaze Roxx Mr McGuire said: "My mail is there will be a new album released by AC/DC, February/March this year but also that AC/DC will be touring Australia October/November 2020..."
"After a lot of work and a lot of technical research, they have been able to get a hearing aid for Brian Johnson who will be out front and even Phil Rudd might be back in the group."
"He’ll be playing percussion or drums with Angus so that they have three of - well not the originals but - three of the all-time favourites if you like back there."
"They've had a few changes over the journey but Angus is up front, Brian Johnson lead singing, and maybe Phil Rudd...".
Source: Antimusic