Alcohol Ban ‘On The Table’ To Halt Air Rage On Flights


Paul Brandon, head of corporate affairs for the Irish Aviation Authority has stated that banning alcohol on flights could be a real prospect.

The measure would be taken as a solution to reduce the level of passenger related incidents of disruptive behaviour on flights.

Mr Brandon acknowledged that alcohol is a significant factor in a large number of incidents.

However, the initial focus of the new campaign ‘Not On My Flight’ will be to promote awareness of the steps that will taken against disruptive passengers.

When quizzed about the prospect of banning alcohol on flights on RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland Mr Brandon said:

“It is absolutely on the table, but our preference is to focus on the awareness of the risk if they disrupt a flight.”

According to Breaking News, this week, 13 organisations operating within the Irish aviation sector, including Aer Lingus, Ryanair, the country’s main airports, and the Commission for Aviation Regulation, signed a joint declaration, committing to addressing disruptive passenger behaviour on flights.


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