The Transport For Ireland's 90-Minute Fare, introduced last year, will fall to 2.00 euro for adults and 65 cents for children.
Last month the 20 percent reduction was introduced on public transport outside of Dublin.
The measure's part of the Government's package announced in February to tackle Ireland's rising cost of living.
Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan said that given people “are all moving back to work or travelling around the city more after the pandemic, we want to make it even more attractive and easier for people to be able to choose public transport”.
“This saving of 20% on transport costs is one practical way we can do this,” Ryan said.
“But this cost reduction is also important at this particular time. People are coming under more and more pressure as the price of essentials continues to increase,” he said.
“As one element of a suite of measures being introduced by the government, this fare reduction will go some way to easing some of the financial strain that households are experiencing.
“At a time when fuel security is a greater concern than it has been in decades, leaving the car behind, if at all possible, is one of the best things we can all do to help reduce our energy use, and save money.”