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Anais Gallagher Speaks About Noel's Reluctance To Wear A Mask

By Gary Delaney
October 16, 2020
Est. Reading: 2 minutes


Noel Gallagher


Noel Gallagher's daughter has spoken of her father's views on face coverings in a recent interview. Anais distances herself from her dad’s comments by revealing she has “never not worn a mask.

The 20 year-old said: "I get where he’s coming from but I’m less full-on than him. I’m generally less revolutionary than my dad. I’ve never not worn a mask.

"I think my generation is quite lenient and that’s not necessarily a good thing. We do what we’re told a bit too much, we come from the era of fake news and Facebook telling us what the news is."

The 20-year-old added: "We are also hugely afraid of being cancelled. It’s very dangerous to stand up and be your own person in my generation. If you are going against the grain, you can be totally cut out."

Anais’ comments come after her outspoken dad had his say on mask wearing, last month. Speaking on the Matt Morgan Podcast, Noel openly spoke of how he is refusing to wear a mask in public places. This is despite it being a law in parts of the country. The singer shared some of his views.

There are too many liberties being taken away from us now. I've been in shops today. [They said], ‘You have to wear a mask.’ Says who? I choose not to wear one.

"If I get the virus, it's on me. If every other ****’s gonna wear a mask, I'm not gonna catch it off them. And if I've got it, they're not gonna catch it off me. I just think it's a p*** take. There’s no need for it … They’re pointless.”

He added: “I was going up to Manchester the other week and some guy’s going, ‘Can you put your mask on,’ on the train, ‘because the transport police will get on and fine you a thousand pounds.

"But you don’t have to put it on if you’re eating. So I was saying: Oh right, this killer virus that’s sweeping through the train is gonna come and attack me, but see me having a sandwich and go, leave him, he’s having his lunch?”

The 53 year-old says he cannot understand why masks are mandatory in some settings and not in others.

Why do you have to wear one when you’re having a haircut, but you don’t have to wear one in the pub?"

Liam Gallagher shares a different view to his brother. The Wonderwall singer has been spotted on numerous occasions wearing his mask. He took to social media last month to point out his comfortable privacy: "I don’t mind the mask mooch about no f*****r knows who you are sweet as".

In other news, Noel is set to be hitting the studio to write a song for John Lennon.

Written by Gary Delaney

Gary Delaney writes for Radio Nova & from Dublin, Ireland.

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