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Bernie Sanders Has Commented On His Memes From Inauguration Day

By Paul Cooney
January 22, 2021
Est. Reading: 2 minutes




Memes of Bernie Sanders went viral this week after his appearance at Joe Biden's inauguration and the Vermont senator has commented on them.

When Sanders was running his campaign for the Presidency, he posted a video declaring his intentions to run for office and asked supporters for financial support. This led to many memes with Sanders asking for other types of support.


Now, he has gone viral again. Sanders was seen at the inauguration wearing the same jacket and wearing mittens to stay warm.

The image of Bernie Sanders wrapped and masked up has offered many some comic relief in these unprecedented times.

Former Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams got in on the fun posting this on Twitter.

Scottish football club Hibernian got in on the action as well.

An Instagram account called 'the bernie albums' has been created to show Sanders sitting in iconic album covers. You can check the account out here.

Now, Sanders has commented on the memes. Speaking to NBC news, he said "It makes people aware that we make good mittens in Vermont. We have some good coats, as well.”

He added, "You know, in Vermont we dress warm. We know something about the cold, and we’re not so concerned with good fashion. We want to keep warm, and that’s what I did today."

CNN are reporting that the women who made the mittens, Jen Ellis has sold all of her mittens and they are no longer for sale.

Ellis, a school teacher from Vermont took to Twitter to announce the news. "Thanks for all the interest in Bernie's mittens! It truly has been an amazing and historic day! I'm so flattered that Bernie wore them to the inauguration. Sadly, I have no more mittens for sale. There are a lot of great crafters on ETSY who make them. -Jen Ellis."

Joe Biden's inauguration marked the end of a troubled period for America. The inauguration was a star studded event that saw Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez and Croke Park's favourite Gareth Brooks all perform during the ceremony.

Acts such as the Foo Fighters, Katy Perry, a New Radicals reunion and the Boss, Bruce Springsteen all performed in the 'Celebrating America' event.

You can check out Radio Nova's report and Springsteen's performance here.

Paul Cooney

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