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The 'I Don't Care About Valentine's Day' Movie List

By Cíara Spain
February 13, 2018
Est. Reading: 1 minute



Whether you're single or you just don't give a crap about Valentine's Day this is just for you.

As people head off for romantic evenings to celebrate their love (eye-roll), we have found some movies to help you get through the evening without wanting to vomit!

Actually we can't promise you won't vomit but we can promise it won't be from a love scene anyhow!

1. Taken 

2. Superbad

3. IT

4. 22 Jump Street

5. Groundhog Day

6. The Shawshank Redemption

7. Die Hard

8. Anchorman

9. Wolf of Wall Street

Let us know how you get on with these classics!

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Cíara Spain

Written by Cíara Spain

Ciar Spain keeps you up to date with all things news, sport and entertainment.

When I'm not at my desk you'll find me hiding behind a lens, a book or attending GAA games across the country. If not, I'll be busy complaining about the weather!

Also – I’m a festival lover, so when the summers out I spend most of my time nestled in the sweaty trench of any concert hall that will let me in the doors...

Standard and basic – enjoy :)

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