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Celebrating The Release Of True Love Waits The Coronas Will Be Visiting A Town Near You!

By Elaine Leonard
July 27, 2020
Est. Reading: 2 minutes


The Coronas


This August Bank Holiday weekend The Coronas hit the road on a mini-tour with a twist to sign copies of their upcoming album.

True Love Waits is released on 31st July and to celebrate the launch the band have teamed up with their friends at Murphy’s Ice Cream.

The Coronas will tour Ireland in a Super Sprinkles ice-cream van, signing copies of their album and giving free pots of Murphy’s most popular flavour, Dingle Sea Salt, to their fans; a perfect combination for a refreshing summer treat.

The Coronas' Ice Cream Tour kicks off on Thursday 30th at Golden Discs on Patrick Street from 4pm.

Then on Friday 31st they will be starting off in the Town Square in Mitchelstown in Cork, followed by stops in Limerick at famed music venue Dolan’s and finishing up that evening at Murphy’s Ice Cream on High Street in Galway.

On Saturday 1st they will start off at Murphy’s Ice Cream on Wicklow Street in Dublin then head to the Millpond in Dundrum Town Centre finishing that evening outside Starbucks in Liffey Valley Shopping Centre in conjunction with Golden Discs.

The tour ends on Monday 3rd in Waterford.

The band will be updating their social media channels during the weekend so make sure you check in to see the latest information for their tour route.

Lead singer Danny says, ‘When we realised that we weren’t going to be able to promote the album like before, we started thinking about different ideas to mark the launch. With no gigs, in-store signings or radio performances permitted, our manager had the idea that we get in an ice cream van and travel the country giving out free ice cream and selling the album! With everything that’s going on at the moment we thought it might add a tiny bit of positivity into the world and we can’t wait to get out and see some of our fans and friends around the country that we haven’t seen since before lockdown. There’s a long way to go before we beat this unfortunately named virus, but, remember, True Love Waits.’

True Love Waits marks the start of what is now more than a new chapter in the career of one of Ireland’s biggest, best-loved bands, it’s more like a whole new book.

A quartet for thirteen years, last summer The Coronas became a trio when guitarist Dave McPhillips unexpectedly left.

Dave’s departure forced the remaining band members to reconsider their way of writing, and so they collaborated with other writers leading to changes in song structures and instrumentation. All this helped to push The Coronas out of their comfort zone and resulted in an album that the band are immensely proud of and excited to share with their fans.

Elaine Leonard

Written by Elaine Leonard

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