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Check Out The New Video For Foo Fighters' 'The Sky Is A Neighbourhood' Featuring Dave Grohl's Daughters

By Nova News Team
August 24, 2017
Est. Reading: 2 minutes



Check Out The New Video For Foo Fighters' 'The Sky Is A Neighbourhood' Featuring Dave Grohl's Daughters - The new track comes from the band’s forthcoming ninth album ‘Concrete And Gold’ and was the very last song that Grohl wrote for the record. Grohl directed the amazing new music video, which features his two daughters, 11 year-old Violet and 8 year-old Harper.

Speaking about the track, front-man Grohl talked about how he wrote the final track for the new album, which will be released September 15th. “One night I was lying out looking up at stars,” Grohl recalls. “Just imagining all of these stars as places that have life on them as well, and I decided that the sky is a neighbourhood, that we need to keep our shit together in order to survive in this universe full of life. But I had no music yet. I just had the title. So every day I would walk around, kind of humming this thing in my head.” He added that the song is "the biggest thing sonically that we’ve ever done.”

Grohl came up with the melody for the track without his guitar, and it apparently was an extremely natural process for the rest of the band too, as they recorded it in a single afternoon. "And once we were finished, I thought 'OK now we have an album. This is it and we’re done’…  as we were mixing, I realized that we'd actually done what we set out to do: to make this gigantic Foo Fighters record but with Greg Kurstin’s sense of jazz and melody and arrangement, something that we’d never done before.”

The video for "The Sky Is A Neighbourhood” is definitely a match for the massive sonic qualities of the song, showing the band on the roof of a cabin rocking out beneath the night sky. Glowing eyes and levitating children can be seen adding to the overall theme of sci-fi in the video. Both creepy and beautiful, the video has been described as 'arguably the most striking video in the Foo Fighters’ multiple award-winning canon.' See for yourself below!

Simultaneously, Foo Fighters are launching a constellation viewer, which will allow their fans to turn their phone into a tool for exploring the night sky. Go here from your phone to configure a constellation map in the viewer’s 3D sphere,  and then it will identify the constellations in the night sky! All while enjoying the Foos' tracks at the bottom of your screen. We're loving the originality!

Nova News Team

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