City Council Suggest Restrictions On Build-To-Rents


Dublin City Council is proposing restrictions on build-to-rent schemes, while the maximum number of one-beds allowed in a scheme is being reduced.

In the North Inner City and Liberties Sub-City Areas, projects with 15 residential units or more will be required to have a minimum of 15% three or more beds and a maximum of 25%-30% one bed/studio units.

In the city council’s draft plan, it aims to accommodate 40,000 new homes amid 17 Strategic Development Regeneration Areas.

The policy allows for build-to-rent accommodation in the following specific locations:

  • Within the Inner City (within the canal ring).
  • Within 500 metre walking distance of a high employment area i.e. more than 500 employees per hectare.
  • Within 500 metres of major public transport interchanges (e.g. Connolly, Tara St & Heuston Stations.) 
  •  Within identified Strategic Development Regenerations Areas

In order to ensure a sustainable mix of tenure and long term sustainable communities, the plan sets out that at least 40% of the homes must be available to sell in schemes of 100 units or more.

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