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Clár Sa Charr on Radio Nova

By Elaine Leonard
February 7, 2023
Est. Reading: 2 minutes



Clár sa Charr is a new Irish language feature on Radio Nova.

Listen to Clár sa Charr every Tuesday and Thursday morning- it will give you the chance to use and improve your 'cúpla focial'!

Clár sa Charr is a short conversation between a parent and child that take pace in the car on the way to school. 


Week 1/Clár 1 - Foclóir/Dictionary 

To help here are some key words and phrases:

Táim réidh don bhóthar anois – I'm ready to go now / I’m ready for road

Chun na firinne a rá - to tell you the truth

Is cuimhin liom cuid de na carachtair - I remember a few of the characters

Lán le fuinneamh agus beocht – full of beans / full of life / full of energy

Bleachtairí - detectives

Daoine scanrúil - Scary people or baddies

Ligeann siad orthu – they pretend

Daoine gléasta suas  - people dressed up / people in disguise

Tá sé nach mór dearmadta agam – I've almost forgotten it

Más buan mo chuimhne – If I remember correctly

Na príomhcharachtair - the main characters

Tá sé an-greannmhar – he's very funny

Ag caitheamh geasa draíochta - casting magic spells

Clar image 1

Listen back to Clár Sa Charr ar Radio NOVA


Clár 2 - Foclóir/Dictionary

To help here are some key words and phrases:

Crosanna Bhríde – Brigid’s crosses

Luachair – Rushes

Ag fíodóireacht croise – Weaving a cross

Deireadh seachtaine fada – A long weekend

Lá saoire bainc – A bank holiday

Cóisir thar oíche – A slumber party / a sleepover

An linn snamha – The swimming pool

An t-ionad babhála – The bowling alley

Ceathrar – Four people

Tolg mór – A big couch

Feictear domsa – It seems to me

clar image 2

Listen back to Clár Sa Charr ar Radio Nova

Elaine Leonard

Written by Elaine Leonard

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