Committee Votes to Repeal 8th Amendment


The Oireachtas committee on the 8th amendment has voted in favour of repealing the article from the constitution.

Their decision paves the way for a referendum on abortion to be held next year.

Senator Catherine Noone announced the results earlier. The committee considering Ireland’s abortion laws voted 14 to 6 in favour of complete repeal.

The committee voted to allow abortion without restriction up to 12 weeks of the pregnancy. 12 – 5 in favour, 4 abstentions.

Members voted against it for a number of reasons; Three thought the current laws shouldn’t be changed; While two Fianna Fáil TDs think abortion should only be allowed in circumstances of fatal foetal abnormality, incest, rape and risk to the live of the mother.

They’ve also voted 16-4 in favour of making abortion lawful where the life and health of a woman is at risk, with no distinction between mental and physical health.

So far, the committee have voted to include allowing terminations when there’s substantial physical risk to the life of a woman ; Real and substantial risk to the life of a woman by suicide; Serious risk to the pysical and mental health of the woman and any risk to the health of the woman

There’s a number of other circumstances being debated at the committee this evening

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