Dependency On Welfare Pushed To Record Levels By Pandemic’s Grip


591,000 people are now due the Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment, with around 21,000 receiving it this week for the first time.

This week’s increase of 7,000 Covid pandemic payments is a decrease on the numbers from previous weeks.

However, it again represents record-breaking levels of unemployment and social welfare dependency.

Already 205,000 were receiving the standard Jobseeker’s Benefit of €203 per week, and 337,000 in receipt of income support through the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme.

Over 49,000 employers have also now registered for the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme through by the Revenue Commissioners.

Analysis of the Pandemic Unemployment Payments

There are 591,000 people in receipt a Pandemic Unemployment Payment on 28th April 2020, of which 254,000 are female and 337,000 are male.

County Breakdowns

County Number of people in receipt of Pandemic Unemployment Payment on

28th April

Number of people in receipt of Pandemic Unemployment Payment on 21st April


Carlow 7,800 7,700
Cavan 9,600 9,500
Clare 14,500 14,300
Cork 61,200 60,400
Donegal 22,500 22,000
Dublin 171,700 169,100
Galway 32,000 31,600
Kerry 21,900 21,500
Kildare 25,700 25,500
Kilkenny 10,500 10,400
Laois 8,600 8,400
Leitrim 4,100 4,000
Limerick 22,100 22,100
Longford 4,400 4,400
Louth 17,100 16,900
Mayo 16,300 16,100
Meath 24,600 24,500
Monaghan 8,000 7,900
Offaly 8,800 8,700
Roscommon 7,000 7,000
Sligo 7,600 7,600
Tipperary 18,500 18,400
Waterford 13,900 13,900
Westmeath 11,600 11,600
Wexford 20,200 20,100
Wicklow 18,300 18,200
County not included 2,500 2,200
Total 591,000 584,000



Sector Breakdown

The highest sector with people in receipt of PUPs is Accommodation and food service activities (127,000), followed by Wholesale and Retail Trade (89,300) and Construction (78,500).


Industrial Sector Number of people in receipt of Pandemic Unemployment Payment on 28th April Number of people in receipt of Pandemic Unemployment Payment on

21st April

Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining and Quarrying 8,400 8,000
Manufacturing 36,900 36,700
Electricity, gas supply; Water supply, sewerage and waste management 2,000 1,900
Construction 78,500 77,400
Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and motorcycles 89,300 88,400
Transportation and storage 17,800 17,600
Accommodation and food service activities 127,000 126,000
Information and communication activities 11,300 11,400
Financial and insurance activities 12,300 12,100
Real Estate activities 8,000 7,900
Professional, Scientific and Technical activities 24,500 23,800
Administrative and support service activities 45,400 44,300
Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security 14,200 14,000
Education 21,900 22,000
Human Health And Social Work activities 22,200 23,300
Arts, entertainment and recreation 14,000 13,800
Other Sectors 38,900 38,300
Unclassified or unknown 18,400 17,100
Total 591,000 584,000


Analysis of COVID-19 Illness Benefit

There are 36,100 people medically certified for receipt of a Covid-1919 related Illness Benefit payment as of 28th April 2020, of which 20,400 are female and 15,700 are male.

County Breakdown – Enhanced Illness Benefit

County Number of people medically certified for receipt of Enhanced Illness Benefit on

28th April

Number of people medically certified for receipt of Enhanced Illness Benefit on

21st April

Carlow 500 500
Cavan 900 800
Clare 700 600
Cork 4,300 4,000
Donegal 900 800
Dublin 10,200 8,700

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