Fan-Made Lars Ulrich Toilet To Go On Display On Copenhagen Museum


A Lars Ulrich inspired toilet is to be exhibited at a museum in Denmark. Denmark is of course Ulrich’s country of birth.

This toilet was acquired by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum in Copenhagen. It shows the Metallica drummer squatting whilst holding a pair of drumsticks. He is also wearing a t shirt with his name written on the front in that iconic Metallica font.

Check it out below.

Museum employee Sabrina Sieck confirmed this news to the Tampa Bay Times. She also added that the toilet will display in its gallery and not the bathroom.

Previously, the toilet had been plumbed in at the Brass Mug bar and music venue in Tampa, Florida by Metallica stan and artist Prince Midnight.

“the first songs that meant something to me”

Prince Midnight also wrote that Metallica “wrote the first songs that meant something to me”. He paid tribute to the iconic drummer. See here.

Prince Midnight also added that he chose to model the toilet on Ulrich “as the drummer is usually depicted sitting”, adding that it was“an obvious choice for the piece”.

“I could have done a urinal with James [Hetfield – frontman] but that’s not where the creative spirit was leading me”, Prince Midnight added.

Who Is Prince Midnight?

It is also not the first time that Prince Midnight has been mentioned on this website or radio station.

Last February, the keen heavy metal fan took to paying tribute to his uncle Filip in a very unique way. Filip was tragically killed in a car accident and his nephew decided to make a guitar out of his bones.

The opportunity arose as cremation is rejected in their family’s Greek Orthodox faith.

“So, I got the box of bones from Greece and didn’t know what to do at first. Bury them? Cremate them? Put them in the attic? All seemed like poor ways to memorialize someone who got me into heavy metal”, he said.

Have a look at this here.


















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