The HSE is urging people to order a free, confidential hepatitis C home test.
It's marking World Hepatitis Day today by stressing how the test detects the condition in people with no symptoms.
Around 3,500 to 5,000 people in this country are unknowingly living with hepatitis C.
Clinical Lead for the Hepatitis C Treatment Programme Professor Aiden McCormick says it's a serious disease:
"We have treated over seven thousand patients and cured them." Professor McCormick said.
"Hepatitis C is a chronic viral infection, which if left untreated could cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and possible death.
"We can cure this virus completely, with 8-12 weeks treatment.
"We encourage anyone who has had a blood transfusion before 1990, or a blood transfusion in countries where they are not sure of the quality of their health service, to get tested."
For more information about free tests from the HSE click here.