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Game Of Thrones Are Ramping Up The Teasers With Clip Of Nights King

By Nova News Team
May 24, 2017
Est. Reading: 2 minutes


Game of Thrones TK Season 7, Episode TK Air Date: TK Emilia Clark as Daenerys Targaryen and a Dragon


Game of Thrones fans, get your woolly coats on, because this summer, Winter is Coming.  The hit HBO show is back on July 17th and the show has already started teasing us with images for the show.

One of the clips released contains the imagery with some zooming out of the Nights King eye, which seemingly features Jon Snow in it's pupil. It’s an ominous message for the illegitimate Stark boy, who had first hand contact with the White Walkers in season 5.

It’s looking like this season will also be bringing some of the long running storylines to a bubbling point.  The Knight Walkers storyline has been humming away in the background since the opening scene of season one.

The show runners have previously said that this season is going to be much more fast paced than previous seasons.

“Things are moving faster because in the world of these characters the war that they’ve been waiting for is upon them,” Dan Weiss said.

“The conflicts that have been building the past six years are upon them and those facts give them a sense of urgency that makes [the characters] move faster.”

In the build up to the new season of Game Of Thrones, images from the show were recently released. Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, the images contain a picture of one of Daenery’s Dragons. Along with an image of Jon Snow riding a horse, seemingly preparing for battle.

This season only contains 7 episodes as opposed to the usual 10, and this season is even starting later than usual. The reason behind the delayed start, was due to the show pushing back its filming start to get the ugliest weather possible. Although with a lot of the show being short in Ireland, we're surprised they didn't just film during our summers anyway.

David Benioff and Dan Weiss explained: “We're starting a bit later because at the end of this season, 'Winter is here' – and that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes anymore.

“So we kind of pushed everything down the line, so we could get some grim grey weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.”

Delay or not, we're very excited for the upcoming season. We can't wait for our Watch To Begin.

Written by Nova News Team

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