Brexit, Climate Change and International Trade Tensions have been identified as the biggest risks facing the country this year.
The Government's annual risk assessment report helps identify problems and develop strategies to tackle them in the weeks and months ahead.
The report was developed through a public consultation, which saw more than 650 submissions received from organisations, civil society groups and members of the public.
The majority identified Climate Change & Biodiversity as the most important risk for the public, in terms of priority.
There was a strong focus on the potential risk of a no-deal Brexit and the impact that could have on the Irish economy and stability in the North.
As well as this there were concerns the economy could be approaching a point of overheating.
Perceived rural and regional imbalances - education - and skilled labour shortages were all discussed.
And there was an examination of the impacts of Ireland's ageing population across a range of sectors, including pensions, healthcare, education, and housing.