Homeless Charity Asks Why DCC Removed Coats From Ha’penny Bridge


Inner City Helping Homeless wants to know what happened to jackets that were removed from the Ha’Penny Bridge in Dublin.

It’s after a video emerged on social media of a city council worker taking them away.

The charity says they were going to be used to help keep rough sleepers warm as part of the #warmforwinter campaign.

Inner City Helping Homeless spokesperson Brian McLoughlin says the public donated them in good faith.

DCC took to Twitter to say:

“Dublin City Council asks people not to hang clothes on the Ha’penny Bridge for health & safety reasons-it reduces pedestrian flows & causes congestion on bridge.

Please consider giving them to charity shops. Items collected by DCC will be redistributed via our homeless services”.

Councillor Anthony Flynn inquired which Charity were the coats given to.

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