Indications Are That Restrictions Set To Stay For Further Two Weeks


Its been widely speculated today that cabinet ministers have exchanged differing views on how coronavirus restrictions should be lifted at their meeting this morning.

Reports today in the Irish Independent say that the Cabinet was informed by the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar that as of today, indications are that disease levels are not low enough to allow any easing of restrictions on the 5th of May.

Some in the government also earlier expressed concerns about the continuing social and economic impact of the current restrictions in their current form.

Some other Ministers were more cautious and firm that until the health situation improves, the current restrictions will stay in place.

Ministers are due to meet again on Friday where they will likely be asked to sign off on an extension of the current restrictions, with minimal easing of them.

Health officials in NPHET will consider the current restrictions further this Friday in advance of a cabinet meeting later that day.

The only significant change may be to outdoor workers based on the ability to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Today’s meeting also included an update from the Health Minister on the progression of Covid-19, the current position on testing and tracing and the position on long-term care facilities.

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