‘Dreams’ - the debut single by Irish Women In Harmony - has been one of the feel-good, positive energy stories to emerge from the summer of lockdown in Ireland.
Thrilled by the reception and success for ‘Dreams’, Irish Women In Harmony are now making plans to release an exciting new Christmas single, and are looking for twelve talented girls, aged twelve years and under, to join them as a tween choir for the recording.
IWIH Harmonizer-In-Chief RuthAnne Cunningham says: “Irish Women In Harmony is all about inspiring young Irish girls to get into music and dream big. When I was younger I always wanted to sing at any opportunity I got, so we’d like to give 12 x 12s-and-under the chance to sing with us on our Christmas project. And we are so excited to hear your submissions.”
If you think you have what it takes to be one of the 12 x 12-and-under tween choir and join Irish Women In Harmony, please submit a 30-second video clip of you singing ‘Dreams’ to [email protected] or post/dm your video on Instagram tagging @irishwomeninharmony and the hashtag #IWIHSearch
Please make sure you have the permission of a parent or guardian before you submit your entry.
The deadline for entries is midnight on Wednesday 30th September.
The twelve winners will be selected by RuthAnne and members of the Irish Women In Harmony project. In line with current government guidelines, all COVID social-distancing measures will be observed for the recording.