If you have an iPad or anything with iTunes and you have any sort of an interest in Led Zeppelin and what life must have been like to be with them on the road in the 70’s across the US, you really want to spend €7 and download your copy of "Led Zeppelin – Sound and Fury" by Neal Preston. So named because in an interview, Robert said "nobody captures the sound and fury of the band in action like Neal.."
This is a digital book, interactive and beautifully presented. With audio descriptions of some of the pictures, describing what was happening at any given time. There are also videos from the people surrounding the band on the road in the 70’s, but NOT a lot of dirt spilling.
Interesting insights like, the band on one tour were based out of Chicago and would fly in and out to other cities daily on their private jet. Example, playing Minneapolis one night, band finish, no encore, into the limos, to the plane, taxi-ing the runway being served Lobster when one of the security guards still at the venue, opens his 2 way radio to another on the plane taxi-ing and the crowds are still chanting for an encore. That's a fast getaway!
Led Zeppelin Sound and Fury is on iTunes now.. chatting more about it with Rock photographer and author of the book in Hollywood, Neal Preston – after 6!