Kildare Gardaí Search Remote Woodland In Deirdre Jacob Disappearance Case

Deirdre Jacob

Gardai investigating the disappearance and murder of Deirdre Jacob began a search of a remote wooded area in south Kildare, some 15 kilometres from the town of Newbridge.

A cold case review has found unusual activity was spotted in the location on the evening she vanished over 20 years ago.

Gardai are combing a 3.5 acre site here in Taggartstown, Co. Kildare for any evidence into her disappearance and murder. The 18-year-old was last spotted near her home in Newbridge in July 1998.

A cold case review flagged up some witness statements about the evening she disappeared and Inspector John Fitzgerald says they’ve found this more relevant that initially thought.

Officially gardai say they’re looking for any evidence into Deirdre Jacob’s disappearance but sources have confirmed they’re looking for her remains.

They’re also keep an eye out for any evidence relating to the disappearance of other women in Leinster, like that of Jo Jo Dullard who went missing close to this search site in 1995.

Gardai say today is a big step but they want to manage any expectations with this search – which will be slow and methodically and take at least 3 weeks.

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