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Morning Glory Chat with Jim Kerr and Charlie Burchill of Simple Minds

By Dee Woods
November 11, 2015
Est. Reading: 1 minute



They play the 3Arena this November 29th with The Stranglers, but Simple Minds say there's nothing that can happen at that gig that hasn't happened to them before!

Simple Minds' lead singer Jim Kerr and guitarist Charlie Burchill dropped by the Morning Glory studio for a chat on the upcoming gig and ended up talking about everything from taking baths to musical blessings and the weirdest things fans have ever thrown up on their stage!

Dee and Marty also asked the question: What's Simple Minds' favourite Simple Minds song?!

Hear the answer, and the full chat here: 


Dee Woods

Written by Dee Woods

On a neverending search for craic on @radionova100 Weekdays at 1pm & FridayNight80s. Don't trust anyone whose frown lines are deeper than their laughter lines.

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