Nick Mason Hails Roger Waters’ Re-Recording Of ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ As “Absolutely Brilliant”


Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason has called Roger Waters’ re-recording of ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ as “absolutely brilliant”. 

To mark its 50th anniversary, Roger Waters had confirmed earlier this month that a re working of the album had been in the works for months.

He also revealed that the whole album would be made “from scratch”.

Waters also shared a preview clip of the album, where he can be heard saying that “it’s not a replacement for the original which, obviously, is irreplaceable”.

He also added, “But it is a way for the seventy nine year old man to look back across the intervening fifty years into the eyes of the twenty nine year old and say, to quote a poem of mine about my Father, “We did our best, we kept his trust, our Dad would have been proud of us”. 

“And also it is a way for me to honor a recording that Nick and Rick and Dave and I have every right to be very proud of”. 

“Annoyingly, it’s absolutely brilliant” – Mason On Waters’ Re-Recordings 

Following this, Nick Mason has had his say on the re recorded album, and its is nothing short of a glowing reference.

“I heard the rumour that Roger was working on his own version of it,” he said when speaking at a playback of ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’, at London’s Dolby Atmos Immersive Studio”, Mason said.

“There was this suggestion that this was going to be a spoiler and Roger was going to go head-to-head with the original version and so on”. 

He continued, “He actually sent me a copy of what he was working on and I write to him and said, ‘Annoyingly, it’s absolutely brilliant!’ It was and is. It’s not anything that would be a spoiler for the original at all, it’s an interesting add-on to the thing”. 

This is not the first time that Mason has spoken out in support of his former colleague.

The drummer is one of many musicians to sign a petition to reverse the decision made by Frankfurt Council to cancel Roger Waters’ show at the venue over his alleged “anti semitic” views. More on this here.

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