Wildman of rock Ozzy Osbourne says that the bedroom in his childhood home can be rented at a whopping £400 per night. Speaking to GQ magazine the Black Sabbath frontman said, "He charges £400! The f****** house weren’t worth £300! They must be doing an expensive extension on the bathroom. I tell you what was really weird: I went back to that house many years after I left. When you’re little everything seems massive. But that house was me, my mum and dad and my five sisters and brothers – eight of us in this house. It’s so tiny, I’m going, ‘How the hell did we do this?'"
It must have been a tight squeeze in the small red-brick in Aston, Birmingham. Even though it was a tight-knit family, Ozzy says, "My parents never told me they loved me. That wasn’t a thing you did in our house. If I’d told my sister I loved her I’d have had the piss taken out of me. Even now I say to my older sister that I love her and she won’t say she loves me back. When I was a kid it was a sign of weakness to tell your parents that you loved them."
See the house where a rock legend was born and raised for yourself: