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Ozzy Osbourne Has Built A Firing Range Out His Garden To Keep His Mind From Wandering

By Gary Delaney
March 14, 2021
Est. Reading: 2 minutes




Some people take up guitar, some learn a new language, Ozzy Osbourne turns his back garden into a firing range. To keep himself busy during the pandemic, the 72 year-old rocker has taken up shooting air rifles as a hobby.

In 2019, Ozzy suffered a serious fall at his LA home and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease later that year. As he worries for the future of his mobility, the rocker uses his hobby to keep his mind from wandering.

The former Black Sabbath frontman, who has ten air rifles in his collection, said shooting them also helps him creatively. Ozzy has been working on projects during the coronavirus pandemic and rifle shooting helps the Godfather of Metal to relax.

“I have got this new hobby of shooting an air rifle in the garden. It is a compressed air rifle, not a bullet gun,” Ozzy explained to The Sun. “It's good fun. It gets me out of my head, man. When I am in my house, I worry I never am going to walk properly or do another gig. So, I have got to get something to take my mind off of me.”

Ozzy has a number of different shooting targets at his home in Los Angeles, yet despite his declining health, the Prince of Darkness said he is a “good shot”.

“I have got a rangefinder thing. It’s astounding when you put it on,” remarked Ozzy. “It’s f****** great. I am a good shot. I’m hitting them smack in the middle. But this has been great for me. I have been thinking of melodies.”


Ozzy's family have had a bad year "on so many levels"

Earlier this month, Ozzy's son Jack admitted it has been a particularly difficult year for his family amid the pandemic. Sharon and his daughter Minnie had both tested positive for the coronavirus last year although, both have now recovered. He said this past year has been “a real rough one on so many levels, but yeah, dad's doing well, and mom had a bit of a rough patch with COVID. I'm feeling really, really well, you know, I haven't had any significant MS flare ups in a long time.”

Written by Gary Delaney

Gary Delaney writes for Radio Nova & from Dublin, Ireland.

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