Professor Calls For Mandatory Vaccine Certs To Make It Socially Unacceptable To Be Unvaccinated

UCC Professor of Immunovirology Liam Fanning - Photo by Tomas Tyner, UCC.

Vaccine certs should be mandatory for entry anywhere.

That’s the view of Professor of Immunovirology at University College Cork, Liam Fanning as new guidelines for nightclubs, bars and live venues are due to be revealed on Thursday.

Covid-19 rates are growing exponentially again in Ireland at an apparent rate of 2 to 3% a day according to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre

However in response NPHET says there is no “single silver bullet.” 

During their first press briefing in almost two months, NPHET also warned that the future trajectory of the disease remains very uncertain and involves “significant risk” to the health service.

Professor Liam Fanning wants to make it socially unacceptable to be unvaccinated:

‘You make it socially impossible to do the things that we need to do to live in this country. I think look, we’re at a crisis point here. Christmas is only a couple of weeks away. If we do not get these numbers under control, I can see the language coming from NPHET very reflective of what was coming out in March 2020.”

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