Should We Let Dublin Bus Drivers Listen To The Radio ?


Should Dublin Bus drivers be allowed to listen to their radios? Not according to Dublin Bus bosses, who have passed new rules to make it a disciplinary offence to use a transistor radio in the cab. Radio NOVA has now created a petition to allow Dublin Bus drivers to listen to their radio while they drive.

Sign the petition by clicking here. 

The new zero-tolerance measures now in place mean that drivers can be severely disciplined for using electronic devices, including transistor radios, while driving the buses.

In a letter to Dublin Bus, the National Bus and Rail Union (NBRU) has stated that it “totally and utterly” refuses to accept transistor radios being placed on a banned list.

The union has said that it will respond to the implementation of the new rules by advising its members not to use the two-way radio system installed on the buses except in dire emergency situations.

It has also said that it will be referring the matter to the Workplace Relations Commission with a request that Dublin Bus defer from implementing the radio ban and that they will stop using the Port Tunnel if the transport company refuses to roll back on its ban.

Despite these claims there are currently no laws preventing private citizens from listening to the radio while driving.

Dublin Bus says it has a longstanding policy prohibiting the use of mobile phones and electronic devices while driving. “This is part of driver safety training. We are now implementing a zero tolerance policy to reinforce this message to employees”.

You can sign the petition created by Radio Nova to allow our bus drivers to listen to their radio here.

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