Renters In Line For New Tax Credit Boost In The Budget

Housing Rents

Renters in Ireland could be set to benefit from a major Budget boost.

Reports suggest plans for a total of €2,000 in tax relief over the next two years.

This initiative, aims to address rising rent costs and ease financial pressure on tenants.

This year, renters are entitled to a tax credit of €750, but under the new proposals, an additional €250 would be introduced as a top-up, bringing the total to €1,000 for the year.

Jointly assessed couples would receive €500 extra, meaning they could claim up to €2,000 between them.

In 2025, the renters’ tax credit would increase again, rising to €1,000 per individual, allowing tenants to claim back a total of €2,000 over the two-year period.

The goal is to provide continued financial relief for renters, particularly as the housing market remains challenging for many.

The proposal includes two separate €250 credits: the first would be applied as an additional boost to the 2024 tax credit, and the second would roll over into 2025.

These measures will be part of the broader Budget plans set to be unveiled on October 1.

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