Rock Loving Vicar Applies For License To Host Live Music Events In Church


Rock loving vicar, Father Tom Plant, is planning to host live music events at a Camden Church in London.

A keen fan of Metallica and Nine Inch Nails, Fr Plant wants to extend the services of St Michael’s Church to host live gigs which serve alcohol.

Speaking to The Telegraph, he said it wouldn’t be a place to get drunk but believes “Jesus turned water into wine for a reason”.

While he also isn’t worried about the property getting damaged, he said “The stained-glass windows are too high to get smashed, and we’re not talking about a moshpit. We’re not precious about the floor, St Michael’s is a glorious place but it is faded glory”.

He plans to install a bar, stage, light and sound system once he gets confirmation from the Camden Council whom he applied to back in January in the hope of receiving a license to serve alcohol.

Fr Plant hopes to host at least four events a week to crowds of up to 300.

He said it’s part of his plan to put the church on the cultural map, “We see it as outreach, not Bible-bashing, but welcoming people in”.

He’s previously complimented other performers who contributed to the Church.

Photo Credit: David Jones







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