Rolling Stones Movie Currently Being Cast


A new Rolling Stones movie is currently being cast, as the crew look for actors to play the lead roles of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards in the film.

The new movie is based on the Rolling Stones’ experiences during the making of their classic album Exile on Main Street. It is being directed by Andy Goddard, who is known for his work on TV series Downton Abbey and Marvel’s superhero shows on Netflix.

The new movie is to be called  Exile On Main Street: A Season In Hell With The Rolling Stones and is based on the book of the same name which came out back in 2008.

According to recent reports, filming is set to commence towards the end of this year for the new Rolling Stones movie. The double-album Exile on Main Street was originally released in 1972 after three years of writing followed by recording sessions in the cellars of a villa in France.

According to Keith Richards in an interview back in 2010, it was a very unusual place to record an album “It was a strange atmosphere – it was very, very murky and dusty. Listening all the way through now, I think it still holds up on its own.”

Photo Credit: aka Francois aka Mister Pink 

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