Story by Anne Erickson
Seether’s Shaun Morgan says band plans to play 300 shows next year
Following a crazy-long run of 150 gigs to promote their latest, chart-topping rock album, Holding onto Strings Better Left to Fray, Seether main man Shaun Morgan can’t wait to jet out to New Hampshire to spend Christmas with family and friends.
Of course, Seether are from South Africa, and that’s where they truly call home. The timing was just off to get back for the holidays. “We had really hoped to be home for Christmas,” Morgan told the Cape Times.
As for 2012, Morgan says to expect an insane amount of touring– try an upwards of 300 shows! “There’s not much time for us,” he said. “We get two weeks, either way, to relax and reconnect, and then we’re back out there again. We’re looking forward to doing a proper national tour next year. It’s important to play as many cities as possible – so that’s what we’ll do.”
Morgan also gave his thoughts on the always-changing music industry and weakening traditional album sales. “I miss the artwork and creative elements, beyond the music, that aid in making the traditional CD package whole. It’s difficult to be a part of an economy that doesn’t include that,” he said. He noted there’s still reverence for the live show– that sweaty rock show experience you can’t cultivate anywhere else. “Until someone creates the technology that turns our live show into a holographic replication, we’ll be out there… sweating it live.
“We’re truly blessed to have a career in music. We’ve toured with bands way bigger than we are that no longer exist. So, yes, we’re humble and very aware that we’re as big or as small as our fans dictate.” Read Audio Ink Radio’s recent chat with Seether drummer John Humphrey, here. (Photo credit: Anne Erickson.)