Springsteen Wrote New Album On Guitar Gifted To Him By Fan


Bruce Springsteen has revealed that he used an acoustic guitar gifted to him by a fan to write his new album ‘Letter to You’.

The superstar revealed to Rolling Stone that he received the guitar at one of his ‘Springsteen on Broadway’ gigs.

 I said, ‘Geez, you know, thanks.”

“And I just took a quick glance at it and it looked like a nice guitar, so I jumped in the car with it.”

“All the songs from the album came out of it,” he said.

“In perhaps less than 10 days. I just wandered around the house in different rooms, and I wrote a song each day. I wrote a song in the bedroom. I wrote a song in our bar. I wrote a song in the living room.”

Springsteen’s, ‘Letter To You’ will be released by Columbia Records on October 23rd.

For all you Springsteen fans you can catch him presenting his weekly show on NOVA titled “From My Home To Yours” every Thursday evening at 7pm (repeated Sunday mornings at 9am).


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