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"The Mac... Is Back"...

By Nova News Team
September 20, 2013
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

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...screams Mick Fleetwood in his very fine and grand British accent which after so many years on the other side of the Atlantic shows no signs of softening.

With that he turns and walks off stage wearing a red top hat... And that was that.

Fleetwood Mac had indeed been back! For just under 3 hours!

Dublin is the first stop of their European tour and the O2 was jumping from start top finish.

The show does take a bit of a "storytellers" feel at times with some story telling and even friendly banter/arguing from Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham. (They're just GOOD friends!)

I won't go into setlists, but you will not be disappointed.

There are some really nice acoustic moments in the middle with Lindsey alone on stage giving his all.. including some great "blue steel" looks straight into the spotlight!

Expect one or two new tunes, some solo Stevie, some solo Mick and not one word from John McVie! Oh, Saturday goers could have that appearance from Christine Mc to look forward to. IF the 'rumours' (!) are to be believed.

The band seemed genuinely thrilled to play our capital city again, very appreciative of us coming out and  spending our hard earned on tickets for their show and they put one on!

Clocking about 2 hours 55 mins, it does end on a quiet note with Stevie and Lindsey playing 'Say Goodbye', acoustically, which Lindsey wrote for Stevie, after everything they had been through as a couple and as bandmates. I guess in the States when they tour with the whole "Stevie & Lindsey Love Story" audiences lap it up.  I'm not sure it works this side of the big pond as well as they think it does.

But remember:


Written by Nova News Team

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