The Rolling Stones Tell Trump To Stop Using Their Music


The Rolling Stones are threatening Donald Trump with a lawsuit if he continues to use their music.

Their 1969 hit “You Can’t Always Get What You Want’” appearing to being a particular favourite.

Trump has ignored the bands previous cease-and-desist letters demanding him to stop using their music.

The Stones first objected to Trump’s use of the song during the 2016 presidential campaign, but he has continued to use it without their permission.

The band’s legal team and performing rights organization BMI have sent a message to the president’s team, threatening a lawsuit if he continues to play their music.

In a statement a representative for the band said:

“BMI have notified the Trump campaign on behalf of the Stones that the unauthorized use of their songs will constitute a breach of its licensing agreement,”

“If Donald Trump disregards the exclusion and persists then he would face a lawsuit for breaking the embargo and playing music that has not been licensed.”

Earlier this month the family of Tom Petty demanded Donald Trump to stop using the late singer’s music at his rallies.

The Village People have also told Trump to stop using their music.

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