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Today In Music History - October 3rd.

By Marty Miller
October 3, 2024
Est. Reading: 2 minutes



Every day on Radio Nova, just before 11am, we play a couple of songs key to “today in music history” Have a listen! But for now – here’s some light reading and watching. October 3rd in Music History looks like this.

1978, The members of Aerosmith bailed thirty fans out of jail after they were arrested for smoking pot during an Aerosmith concert at Fort Wayne Coliseum.

1991, M.C. Hammer offered a $50,000 reward for the return of Michael Jackson's white glove, which had been stolen from the Motown Museum.

Cause you know, you can’t touch that! But then you could, in fact you could have bought it decades later!

1992, Sinead O'Connor ripped up a photograph of Pope John Paul II, on the US TV show 'Saturday Night Live', as a protest over sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. Wasn’t rehearsed,  there was stunned silence in the studio and the station went to a break. NBC was fined $2.5 million dollars by the Federal Communications Commission.

2011, According to new scientific research, Queen's 'We Are The Champions' was found to be the catchiest song ever written. The University of London,  conducted research into what makes a song memorable and Queen topped it!

2019, Liam Gallagher's 2nd solo album 'Why Me, Why Not' was doing huge business for him. From it, 'Shockwave' became the best selling vinyl single of the year.

Finally today, happy birthday to former Fleetwood Mac-er, Lindsay Buckingham, to Tommy Lee of Motely Crue, Gwen Stefani and a should be birthday for Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Check out the weekly Podcast. Marty Miller’s This Week in Music History.

Marty Miller

Written by Marty Miller

Talker on radio. Writer on line. Drummer on drums.
Pink Floyd Fan. ABBA non fan.

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