'In response to recent comments in the press, the planned Classically Smiths events will now, no longer be taking place', a statement from producers Bad Production Ltd confirmed.
Rourke said the following yesterday: 'I am deeply saddened that during the week of the death of my dear friend Dolores O’Riordan, that false statements are made on my behalf. At no time did I give my consent for anyone in connection with this Classically Smiths project to act on my behalf or my name and nothing was ever confirmed, approved or contracted by me or my team.'
Even the O2 Brixton tweeted this about the gig on Monday:
Classically Smiths 29/6/18
Three members of The Smiths are to reunite on stage for the first time in 30 years!#O2Priority on sale Weds at 9am
General sale on Fri at 9am via @TicketmasterUK pic.twitter.com/WTwOSoQ9cS— O2 Academy Brixton (@O2AcademyBrix) January 22, 2018
Following Rourke's announcement, other members of the band dropped out of the reunion, with it's complete cancellation then announced.
The whole thing is very weird to say the least... We can't really understand how Rourke's name was used when it allegedly wasn't confirmed at all. More updates as we get them!