A visit to Ireland is set to last five days, with Mr Biden confirming last night his intention while meeting UK prime minister Rishi Sunak in California.

Mr Biden will spend time in Belfast and Dublin as he visits to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.

Mr Sunak had invited Mr Biden to visit the North, and the US president said as the pair met at Point Loma naval base: "It's my intention to go to Northern Ireland and the Republic."

The 46th president of the United States will come to Ireland to celebrate the Good Friday Agreement whether or not the DUP accepts the new Windsor Framework to replace the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Former President Bill Clinton is also believed to be considering a trip here to mark the Good Friday Agreement of 1998.

The visit of Mr Biden may also be followed later this summer by Britain’s King Charles, with plans understood to be afoot for a tour of Ireland by the newly-crowned monarch.​