Watch Bruce Springsteen Play Eagles Tribute


Bruce Springsteen paid tribute to the late Glenn Frey last night (January 19th) at a concert in Chicago. He played one of Frey’s most beloved songs with The Eagles ‘Take It Easy’ on the night.

Bruce would pay tribute to him by performing the song solo, bar an appearance half-way through by violinist Soozie Tyrell. The Boss ended his cover by calling out Frey’s name to huge cheers.


This most recent tribute from Bruce Springsteen comes after he paid tribute to another musical legend. On the opening night of his River Tour in Pittsburgh, he paid tribute to David Bowie by playing ‘Rebel Rebel’

Don Henley of the Eagles recently paid his respects to his “brother” as he called him Glenn Frey after he passed away. Frey, alongside Henley, was one of only two members that remained part of the band throughout their lifespan, recording hits like ‘Hotel California’, ‘Take It Easy’, ‘Tequila Sunrise’ and ‘Take It To The Limit’.

You can check out Bruce Springsteen paying tribute to Glenn Frey by playing ‘Take It Easy’ down below.


Photo Credit: Bob the Lomond

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