Wondrous News As GPs Can Begin To Administer Boosters To 40-Somethings


The Health Service Executive (HSE) have informed GPs around the country that they can begin to offer booster mRNA vaccines to all pregnant women aged 16 and older, people aged 40 to 49, and people aged 16-39 in descending age cohort.

16 to 29-yearolds who received a single dose Janssen vaccine can be offered a booster vaccine in parallel with those aged 30-39.

The HSE has said that in order to ensure GPs meet the expectant demand, it will provide sufficient amounts of vaccine and consumable stock for their clinics.

Delivery begins on Friday, continuing on Monday to Thursday of next week, according to the health service’ schedule.

The HSE said GPs will contact their patients to offer booster appointments.

Elsewhere Tánaiste Leo Varadkar told media outlets that he expects the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) to make further recommendations in managing social contacts and decreasing social mixing.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has also warned that vaccinations alone will not stop the rise of the Omicron variant, saying “strong action” was urgently needed.

The agency raised their risk assessment for Omicron’s impact on public health to “very high“.

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